Results of Verifying the Case of 30 Lots of Durian Contaminated with Cadmium

Director of the Plant Protection Department – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) said that through testing all samples from soil, water, fertilizers, chemicals… related to durian lots in the south China warned that the Department’s specialized agencies did not detect any samples with excess cadmium residue.

The Plant Protection Department’s confirmation that it did not detect excess cadmium residue in the durian batches warned by China is positive information for this key fruit export industry. This result proves the efforts of authorities in controlling food safety, while removing concerns for domestic and foreign consumers.

However, to ensure the durian export market is stable and develops sustainably, Vietnam needs to continue to strengthen cooperation with China in the field of plant quarantine. Transparent and timely dialogue and information exchange will help the two sides better understand each other’s standards and regulations, thereby solving problems that arise during the trade process.

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development also needs to promote propaganda and dissemination of information about the results of cadmium residue testing in durian to people, businesses and especially export markets. This contributes to strengthening international partners’ confidence in the quality of Vietnamese agricultural products, while affirming the position of Vietnamese durian in the world market.

In the context of increasingly deep international economic integration, ensuring food safety is a mandatory requirement for exported agricultural products. Vietnam needs to continue efforts to improve the quality management system, improve plant testing and quarantine capacity to maintain the reputation and brand of Vietnamese agricultural products in the international market.

The case of durian being warned by China about cadmium residue, although the test results showed that it did not exceed the threshold, is also a wake-up call for the Vietnamese agricultural industry in general and the durian industry in particular. To avoid repeating similar incidents in the future, we need to focus on some basic solutions as follows:

1. Raise awareness and responsibility of producers:

  • Strengthen propaganda and training for farmers on good agricultural practices (GAP), correct and safe use of fertilizers and pesticides, and clear traceability.
  • Build and replicate durian production models according to VietGAP, GlobalGAP standards…
  • Encourage people and businesses to participate in quality-certified durian production and consumption chains.

2. Complete the quality control system from the ground up:

  • Invest in equipment and improve capacity for the plant testing and quarantine system from central to local levels.
  • Apply information technology in managing growing areas, growing area codes, and product traceability.
  • Strictly inspect and monitor the use of fertilizers and pesticides in durian growing areas.

3. Strengthen international cooperation:

  • Actively exchange information and share experiences with other countries on food safety standards and regulations for durian.
  • Cooperate in scientific research and technology transfer in the field of durian production, preservation and processing.
  • Building a prestigious and quality Vietnamese durian brand in the international market.

Evaluate Results and Orientation for Development

The case of China warning that 30 batches of Vietnamese durian exceeded cadmium residue has sounded a wake-up call for this key export industry. This information makes many durian growers worried, and also raises doubts about the quality of DAP fertilizer imported from Korea – a fertilizer that was warned of excess cadmium residue and was recalled last year.

Durian growers’ concerns about cadmium-contaminated DAP fertilizer are completely well-founded. Because cadmium is a heavy metal, if accumulated in soil and agricultural products, it will seriously affect human health. The use of fertilizers of unknown origin and poor quality poses a potential risk of cadmium contamination to durian, affecting the reputation and brand of Vietnamese durian. To solve this problem, drastic action from the authorities is needed:

  • Strengthen inspection and strict supervision of the quality of imported and domestically produced fertilizers, and resolutely handle violations.
  • Support people to access quality and safe fertilizer sources at reasonable prices.
  • Promote research, transfer and application of advanced technical solutions in the production of organic fertilizers and biofertilizers, minimizing dependence on chemical fertilizers.

In that context, the issue of ensuring food safety and hygiene for exported durian becomes even more urgent. At the Sustainable Durian Production and Export Conference taking place on May 10, the leader of the Plant Protection Department said that the whole country currently has 708 codes of growing areas and 168 codes of fresh durian packaging facilities. granted. Although Vietnam’s durian export value is increasing, the problem facing the industry is how to meet sufficient supply output, while ensuring product quality and safety and hygiene in a sustainable way. sustainable, meeting increasingly strict requirements from international markets, especially potential markets like China. The Plant Protection Department has issued a warning about the need to immediately take corrective measures, especially tightening plant quarantine and food hygiene and safety control for durian fruit. private.

The reason comes from the fact that Vietnamese durian continuously encounters problems with pesticide residue when exported to international markets, especially the Chinese market. This not only causes economic damage to export businesses, affecting the reputation of Vietnam’s durian industry, but also risks making import markets, especially markets with billions of people, consider consider applying stricter control measures, even temporarily suspending durian imports from Vietnam.

In fact, China is Vietnam’s largest durian export market. According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in the first quarter of 2023 alone, Vietnam exported nearly 57,000 tons of durian, earning 253 million USD, up 42% in volume and 63.7% in value over the same period last year. 2022. Of which, China accounts for 90% of the total durian export value.
This shows that ensuring quality, food safety and hygiene for exported durian is extremely important, not only helping to maintain the existing market but also creating favorable conditions for the Vietnamese durian industry. Nam approaches and expands to other demanding markets in the world.

From the case of durian being warned about pesticide residues, it can be clearly seen that Vietnam’s agricultural sector, especially key export industries, is facing major safety challenges. Food Hygiene. Although Vietnam has achieved certain achievements in improving the quality of agricultural products, meeting the requirements of some demanding markets, there are still many shortcomings and limitations that need to be overcome:

1. The quality control system is still weak:

  • Inspection and testing of compliance with food safety regulations from production to consumption still has many shortcomings.
  • The traceability of agricultural products has not been implemented effectively, making it difficult to control and handle food safety incidents.
  • The laboratory system for testing and analyzing agricultural product quality has not met the increasing requirements of the international market.

2. Awareness and responsibility of a part of producers and businesses is still limited:

Many farmers are still not fully aware of using pesticides and chemical fertilizers according to regulations, leading to pesticide residues in agricultural products exceeding the allowable threshold. Some businesses, for immediate profit, have been negligent and deceitful in controlling the quality and origin of products. To solve the above challenges, it is necessary to focus on some of the following basic solutions:

  • Improve the legal and policy system: Develop and promulgate full regulations and standards on food safety in agriculture, and strictly handle violations.
  • Improve quality management system capacity: Increase investment in testing and quarantine systems; Promote the application of information technology in traceability of agricultural products.
  • Strengthen propaganda and awareness raising: Organize training programs for farmers on good agricultural practices (GAP), safe and effective use of pesticides.
  • Promote value chain links: Encourage the formation of safe, transparent and responsible chains of production and consumption of agricultural products.

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